Manager's Corner



Offboarding Is As Important as Onboarding! Why Offboarding Matters In today’s labor market, employees are changing jobs to take advantage of opportunities and enticing salary offers. To try to stem the tide in your company, offboarding, i.e., exit interviewing, is becoming more critical. Even though the person is leaving, learning the reason will help you […]

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The Win-Win of Onboarding Before the pandemic, only 12 percent of employees strongly agreed that their organization did a great job of onboarding new employees (according to Gallup). Then, with the pandemic, remote work from home (WFH) came along and turned everything upside down. With the increasing staff turnover that has occurred in the past […]

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Facing The Great Resignation

Much has been written in the last six weeks about the Great Resignation of 2021. A quick online search will reveal scads of articles and opinions about the fact that approximately 33 million Americans have quit their jobs since April 2021. Although some of those people are leaving the labor force by retiring early, others […]

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Living and Working in an Age of Stress

In the age of Covid, we are all stressed. Companies are facing changes in their business. Employees are struggling with income and health issues. Work From Home (WFH) has become both a need and a want. Unfortunately. customer service has taken a hit. From angry customers to disenchanted employees, it’s hard to get it right. […]

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You’re Invited! Holiday Parties Are Back!

If we’ve learned anything in the past 18 months, it’s that life goes on, even in new and unexpected ways. We also need connection and fun in our reconfigured workplaces more than ever. Holiday time is almost here, so let’s plan to make it great. With people working hybrid, from the office, or from home, […]

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Onboarding Can Make the Difference

These days the onboarding process has become more complex. With some new hires working virtual full-time, some hybrid, and some in the office full-time, developing a solid workplace culture is a challenge. The complexity is compounded by the disruption we experienced over the past eighteen months. Onboarding is an opportunity for you to reinforce the […]

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Customer Service Redux

I keep talking about customer service problems because I experience them myself and hear about them all the time. My company, Strategic Communications, trains customer service agents for other companies, so I get countless calls from frustrated friends and family asking me what to do.   The Customer Service Problem  I tell them we are hired to help employees understand their role in […]

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The Value of Customer Service

Work From Home (WFH) seems to be coming to an end for many. Finally. Being taken from our office environment and told to do our jobs from our living space was not easy. From access to snacks that added weight, to less activity that added weight, to making space that was comfortable and private for […]

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Ending Divisiveness

My company, Strategic Communications Group, specializes in message management. What’s the most important component of that? Getting people who are not aligned understanding the importance of building a common ground. Sometimes it’s easy. Sometimes it feels impossible. It’s not too different from politics. Everyone supports the First Amendment. You may not agree with me or […]

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Velocity Mindset for Leaders

At work, we all must commit to leadership, whether we’re leading a business, a team, or an initiative. I recently previewed a book by Ron Karr, a high-level speaker and market leader on Strategic’s board. This book delivers an empowering message for leaders and managers alike. The Velocity Mindset® by Ron Karr is a game-changing guide to help […]

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Strategic Communications Group Inc.

1133 Warburton Avenue, 710S
Yonkers, NY 10701