Manager's Corner
Can-Do Teamwork

A Can-Do Attitude Delivers

Anyone who achieves success—from athletes to inventors to business owners—can tell you that attitude makes the difference. Talent, education, experience, connections, and sheer luck only take you so far. It’s a can-do attitude that drives people to put in the work that success demands.

At Strategic, when a client asks whether we can solve their problem, our answer is always yes. Our can-do attitude drives us to learn, grow, and collaborate as a team—and find the best solution to our client’s problems. 

The Problem with No

As we implement programs in workplaces, we have seen that negative attitudes pose significant roadblocks to progress. It appears that people are quicker to point out the problems than to think it through to find a solution. When asked whether something can be done, no is frequently the answer. That’s never a good answer. 

Instead, when you lead with yes, you find solutions to problems and look for ways to overcome the inevitable obstacles. If you think positively, then you will search for the right solution and work with your colleagues to get the job done.

The Power of Yes

We see this over and over, and we’ve even noticed it in our own business. A client came to us because they needed a specific app. It was something new not only for us but for the market.  That didn’t stop us. We were committed to meeting our client’s needs, and we gathered the resources and got the job done, delivering the app they wanted. We learned and they were happy with the outcome.

Saying yes is what helps us grow. It’s how businesses develop to meet the needs of the future.

A can-do kind of attitude delivers great benefits:

  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Creative thinking
  • New ideas
  • Improved morale
  • Greater sharing of information across departments
  • Improved customer service
  • Increased productivity
  • Stronger relationships
  • Greater resilience

When you say yes and help your team find solutions to problems, you lead by example to encourage a can-do attitude in your organization.


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Strategic Communications Group Inc.

1133 Warburton Avenue, 710S
Yonkers, NY 10701